Running an at home summer camp can be really fun. It’s work, but the kids love it. There are a ton of activities to choose from and you can even do a themed camp. Either way, with the right activities and schedule you can run a successful summer camp.

In this post I am sharing some at home summer camp ideas for activities and themes, plus providing a sample schedule. Let’s get started reviewing, so you can get started planning your own DIY summer camp at your home.

What Is At Home Summer Camp?

There are two ways to do an at home summer camp, maybe three. You can either do it with just your family and your kids, or you can open it up to friends. I recommend only day camps because sleepover camps are just too much.

The sort of third option would be to charge people and friends per person to have them at your summer camp. And it doesn’t have to be too much. My friend and I do this every summer, and it is a blast. We don’t charge very much, so we don’t make a ton of money. But we enjoy it, and it puts a little something in our pockets. Plus, you need to be paid for supplies.

Another option would be to just have them pay for supplies, which you can keep relatively cheap. A summer camp is typically a few hours a day for a few days full of fun activities, crafts, or experiences. And since you are the one organizing it, you can choose how long and how much.

Kids playing under a parachute.

Is It Really Possible To Successfully Host a DIY Summer Camp for Your Kids?

Absolutely, yes! Is it work? Absolutely yes! But, it doesn’t have to be difficult. With the right ideas, structure, and activities everyone can have a good time, and make memories that will last a lifetime.

I believe summer camps are easiest with a group of people. It opens your options up to different types of games and activities. You can still do it with 2-3 kids, but inviting friends can help make it a huge success.

At Home Summer Camp Activity Ideas

There are so many different things you can do at summer camp because there are so many fun things to do during the summer. This list includes all the different types of ideas you could include in your summer camp.

Some of these activities need groups of kids, not just a few, but you can definitely tailor it to what you have. I will also make suggestions where I can on how you can adjust the activity with different numbers of kids. Here is an extensive list of at home summer camp activity ideas.

1 – Do a Summer Craft

I just hosted a craft camp, and let me tell you, even the kids that I thought hated crafts loved it. Crafts do not have to be a girl thing and they don’t have to be all about paint, glitter, and markers. There are a ton of fun crafts that can work for everyone.

Here are a few of my favorites that are perfect at home summer camp craft ideas. They seem to be a favorite with the kids too. Crafts are also easy to do in small groups.

Example of rock painting with a blue painted rock that has the word hope painted on it.

  1. Make a DIY claw game. A craft you can play with! I think the more crafts you have that kids can do something with after they make it, the better.
  2. Design a 2-way picture. Kids are amazed by this. Although, this would be for a higher age group like 7 and up.
  3. Craft a bouncing octopus.
  4. Do some origami. You can find all different levels of origami, so just tailor it to your age group.
  5. Make a candy necklace. Find anything sweet that has a hole in it and weave some string through it. This was a big hit with the kids and fun to make.
  6. Paint rocks. I know this may sound dumb, but I have yet to find a kid that doesn’t enjoy it. It’s just different. And it’s fun to encourage kids to write inspiring messages on them and place them on a trail. You could also paint pictures.
  7. Popsicle stick gun. Another fun craft that you can play with after you make it.
  8. Paper Mache. This could be a craft for slightly older kids as well. It takes a little more patience, but it’s pretty cool. You could have them design bowls with it.
  9. Draw. One of our favorites to watch on YouTube is Art for Kids Hub. They show you how to draw all kinds of different things and it’s simple for kids.
  10. Make a structure out of cut-up pool noodles and shaving cream. Then let it turn into a shaving cream party because it will.
  11. Bubble rainbow. A really fun way to make bubbles, and be prepared for everyone’s hands to be dyed.

If you are doing a craft camp, have a variety of crafts. You don’t just want ones that are cut and glue the whole time. This list doesn’t even scratch the surface of all the crafts out there, but it can give you an idea of types of crafts to do. If you were to do all these at a summer camp, it would be a good variety.

2 – Science Projects

Kids are always amazed by science. Really, who isn’t? There are some super simple projects you could set up to show everyone how magical you are. If you have a large group, you could set up a few different ones and make smaller groups so everyone can see. Depending on the experiment, you could also have each kid make their own little experiment.

Example of a rainbow walking water science experiment.

Here are a few of my favorite science projects.

  • Balloon rockets. A huge crowd-pleaser. I even think they’re fun.
  • Skittles rainbow. Super fun and super easy.
  • Walking water. This is a super cool one, but it does take time, which you could use to your advantage. You could work on it and then come back and have kids observe throughout the day.
  • Art pendulum. Pendulums are so fascinating, and you can turn them into a fun art project.

For even more ideas check out this list of easy science experiments for kids that use only household items you should have on hand. And finally, you can also get my Kids Science Experiment Printables. This activity pack contains 13 different fun and easy science experiments.

3 – Make Snacks

Have a snack time, but also make your snacks, but not just any snack. “Craft” your snack. The kids have so much fun playing with their food and then eating it. You can make these monster mouths or spider crackers. There are a ton of different ideas on Pinterest.Simple Halloween monster mouth apple treat for kids.

4 – Bake

Teach kids how to bake something fun and simple. Or even just decorate cupcakes. Everyone enjoys a yummy treat.

5 – Do a Summer Activity

Really, just about anything can classify as a “summer activity” if you do it in the summer. There are so many fun activities to do outside. Here are some of my favorite at home summer camp activity ideas.

  • Balloon activities – There are so many things you can do with balloons.
  • Sports – kickball, four-square, dodgeball, etc.
  • Skit in a bag
  • Scavenger hunts
  • Relay races
  • Tug of war
  • Capture the flag
  • Paper plane contest– Make a paper plane and compete against each other.
  • Charades
  • Tie dye T-shirts – This could also be considered a craft.
  • Group talent show
  • Red Rover – you would need several kids for this one.
  • Giant Jenga – This is really fun, even for adults. There are also other giant games like Connect Four.
  • Fun backyard games – This might include Cornhole or ladder golf. You could do tournaments and competitions.

Five kids playing tug of war.

  • Minute to win it games – Great for any number of kids.
  • Musical chairs
  • Mini Olympic games – Sack races, relay races, obstacle courses, wheel barrow race, three-legged race, etc.
  • Tag – All kinds of tag like freeze tag, toilet tag, missionary tag, duck duck goose, etc.
  • Circle games Look up, look down, Walrus, Bob, The Weasel, Steal the Bacon, Fruit basket. These games make great starter games or icebreaker games.
  • Red light, green light
  • Beach ball volleyball
  • Hot potato
  • Mafia – Definitely need a big group for this one.
  • Parachute games – Buy one of those big play parachutes, kids love playing with them. You can add balls onto it and try to have them keep them all on, or do the same thing with water balloons. Have the kids pass under the parachute as you throw it in the air. You could also call out “anyone wearing blue” and have them switch spots by going under the parachute.
  • Crab soccer
  • Twister – Or if you have a large group, get four different twister games, line them all up, and have everyone play.
  • Watermelon eating contest

When you have lots of kids, you can split up the different activities into stations. This way you don’t have to omit certain games because you have too many people, and it opens up a lot more options. You could still do stations for smaller groups too for variety.

6 – Ice Breaker Games

Speaking of ice breaker, you should have some ice breaker games. These are perfect for kids to get to know each other, and gets everyone a little more comfortable with each other. Here are some great ice breaker games.

  • Beach ball questions – Write different questions on a beach ball and then pass it around a circle. When a new person catches it, they have to answer one of the questions on the ball.
  • Name Game – Have the kids stand in a circle and start by saying their name, along with an associated action or gesture. The next person repeats the previous names and actions before adding their own.
  • Who Am I? – Write the names of famous characters or celebrities on sticky notes and place them on each child’s back. Participants ask yes-or-no questions to figure out the name on their own back.
  • Two Truths and a Lie – In this classic icebreaker, each child takes turns sharing two true statements about themselves and one false statement. The other participants try to guess which statement is the lie. This would be great for older kids.
  • Human Bingo – Create a bingo card with various descriptions or qualities (i.e., “Has a pet fish,” “Loves mac and cheese”). Children mingle and find others who match each description, aiming to fill their entire bingo card.

Human Bingo ice breaker game mockup image.

7 – Water Games

You can’t go wrong with water games in the summer. There are a ton of different ones you can do. You can check out some fun water games here.

Water balloons being filled with water.

Water balloons are super easy to do and the kids can have fun with them without much instruction. I highly recommend the ones that fill up by themselves.

8 – Team Games

Have you ever done those team games where everyone works together to try and achieve one goal. I love these games, especially when you have to figure out a strategy. They make great kid’s games. Here are some of my favorite at home summer camp ideas for team games.

Six kids standing in a circle and holding hands.

  • Human knot. Players stand in a circle, reach across to hold hands with two different people, then work together to untangle themselves without letting go.
  • Blind drawing. One team member describes a picture while the others, who cannot see the picture, draw based on the description.
  • Paper tower. Teams use sheets of paper to build the tallest tower possible within a set time limit. No other materials are allowed.
  • Silent line-up. Team members must line up in order of height, birthdate, or another characteristic without speaking.
  • Storytelling round. One person starts a story with a sentence, and each team member adds a sentence to continue the story.
  • Pipeline. Teams use pipes or tubes to transport a ball or small object from one point to another without dropping it.
  • Pass the hula hoop. Teams stand in a circle holding hands and must pass a hula hoop around the circle without letting go of each other’s hands.
  • Try to spell words using only your bodies.

At Home Summer Camp Theme Ideas

There are so many different at home summer camp theme ideas out there. You could even do a whole camp based on Power Rangers. Sometimes a theme helps to come up with games and narrows down ideas. Plus, when people sign up, they know what they are getting into.

1 – Crafts

A camp all about crafts. Make sure you mix it up enough with craft games, drawings, and breaks so everyone isn’t just sitting at the table doing crafts all day.

2 – Water

Water camp. This could entail swimming, water games, sprinklers, water slides, water balloons, and more!

3 – Games & Activities

Just basic summer games and activities. There’s so many to choose from you could really just do whatever you want, and include some water games if you want.

4 – Boys or Girls Camp

Do just a boy’s or just a girl’s camp.

5 – Theatre

Teach the kids about theatre and acting, or even put on a skit or play at the end of the week for parents.

6 – Character Themed

Do a Pokémon camp that is all about Pokémon battles and making your own Pokémon card. Or, do a mermaid camp where you dress up, do a mermaid craft, and play in the water.

7 – Cooking / Baking

Teach kids how to cook or bake. Decorate cupcakes or make bread.

8 – Board Games

Make a huge game center. Have stations with different games and rotate. Or, pick different games each day to play. If you’re brave, host a Dungeons and Dragons game.

9 – Tournaments

Host a bunch of different kinds of tournaments. They can be sports, games, or activities.

10 – Music

All about dancing, learning an instrument, singing songs, making music, etc.

11 – Sports Camp

Teach a particular sport or skill.

12 – Legos

Build fun Legos, play Lego games, or do Lego competitions.

Basically, if you know there is something that your kids love and their friends love, make a camp based around it. And be creative!

Three boys sitting at a table and playing with Legos.

DIY Summer Camp Sample Schedule

If you are hosting other people’s children (and maybe your own), I would recommend only doing 3 hours. I have tried more, and it’s a little long. I have also tried less, and it’s a little too short. Three hours seems to be the magic number.

I like to host camps in the morning around 9-noon. We include a snack. If you do any later, then you have to have lunch. Here’s a basic sample schedule that I recommend:

  • 9:00-9:20 Arrival. Arrival activity / ice breaker activity. There are always late-comers, so I like to give people time to get there, but I also like to do a really easy activity that people can easily join. Otherwise, if children aren’t directed, it gets chaotic.
  • 9:20-9:40 First Activity. I would choose a fun group activity.
  • 9:40-9:50 Break. Free play.
  • 9:50-10:10 Second Activity. This would be a great time to do a craft.
  • 10:10-10:25 Snack Time
  • 10:25-10:45 Third Activity. A team building exercise is good here.
  • 10:45-11:00 Free Play.
  • 11:00-11:20 Fourth Activity. Another fun group activity or science project.
  • 11:20-11:40 Fifth Activity. A team builder or another craft.
  • 11:40-12:00 Closing Activity. Choose a quick one and free play the last 10 minutes until parents get there.

At Home Summer Camp Schedule Tips

Now that you have so many at home summer camp ideas to sort through, it’s helpful to understand how to manage the sample schedule recommended above. Here are some tips to help you schedule run smoothly and on time.

Bring Water Bottles

Ask kids to bring their own water bottles. This way you don’t have to worry about providing drinks for everyone. They will get thirsty.

Don’t Let Breaks Go Too Long

Chaos happens when you let kids just play, and when you only have a few adults, that can be hard. Make sure your breaks are long enough to give them some free play, but not too long that people start getting hurt.

Over Plan

Over plan everything! You can’t have too many ideas. You can always omit something, but it’s hard to come up with ideas on the spot. I plan like each activity is going to take 15 minutes, and then I plan 3 extra activities. This way, if something takes longer, I can omit, and if something takes shorter then I have some ideas to throw in.

Don’t End the Fun

If the kids are really enjoying an activity, let them enjoy it. Don’t be too eager to get to the next activity that you stop the fun. And the same goes for if they aren’t enjoying an activity, just move to the next one.

Are you ready to use these at home summer camp ideas to run your very own camp?

Whether you have a few kids or a large group, you can run a successful summer camp. Pick a variety of activities, stick to a simple schedule, and have fun. Pick a themed camp like crafts, Pokémon, or baking. Remember to over plan and keep the kids busy. They will have so much fun and create memories that last forever.

DIY summer camp for kids ideas, themes, and schedules Pinterest pin.