Tips and Tricks for Doing Crafts with Young Kids

Doing crafts with young kids might be easier than you think. With these simple tips and tricks, make crafting fun again, even if you have young kids.

Tips and Tricks for Doing Crafts with Young Kids (1)

Crafts with Young Kids

I know that doing crafts with young kids can be really hard. I have heard and felt it all: “My kids don’t engage”, “I can’t stand the mess”, or “I don’t have all the supplies”. However, there are a few things you can do to make it easier on yourself and not so daunting. You can make it simple, so you’re not hating yourself every time you do it.

I believe that letting kids tap into their creativity helps them discover what they like, and don’t like, it helps them think, take pride in making something, and spend time doing something different or maybe even challenging. Red Tricycle talks about the 6 awesome benefits of Crafting for Kids. There are so many awesome benefits. You can make crafting simple for yourself. I hope these tips and tricks can help you get there. (Also, don’t feel like you HAVE to craft, or that you’re a bad mother if you don’t. I’m just saying if you have the desire and you want to do it, but have barriers that keep you from doing it. I know you can surpass those barriers.) Also, it’s okay if your child doesn’t like to craft, maybe they really enjoy doing different activities with you. They like to be super active. There are also a ton of activities on this website to help with that!

If you’re trying to get started doing crafts with your kids, this is a great place to begin.

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Tips and Tricks for Doing Crafts with Young Kids

Get Out Wiggles

A good thing to do before you craft is have your kids get their wiggles out. Do a wiggle dance, sing a song, or play a quick game of follow the leader. Sometimes the kiddos just need a little energy sucker activity to get them to sit quietly for just a few minutes so you can get your instructions out. It helps to let go of some energy to get their attention.

Do it at the right time

There are certain times of the day when my kids are more cranky than usual. I think we all know those times. Am I right? I would never do a craft around 3-4 in the afternoon. I’m just asking for it then. I usually do them in the mornings. It makes a great morning activity.

Make Varieties from 1 Craft

Have you ever shown your kids a craft and they are totally uninterested in the way YOU do the craft. This has happened to me quite a few times. I’ve learned to create variations from one craft. There are multiple options and so many possibilities. For example, if you’re working on a craft the requires color, and you decide you’re going to use markers, but the kiddos don’t sound too excited about markers, try using paint instead. Or if you’re doing a craft, but find another way to do it. Try not to be too stuck on just one way of doing a craft.

Let them be creative

This kind of goes hand in hand with the above point, but let your kids use their own creativity. Don’t make them do it exactly the way you want. Let them be creative and show you different ways of doing it. Even if it is COMPLETELY the opposite of what you showed them. This could be hard for all you perfectionists out there, but just be able to let go. I say this to myself before every craft!

Doing Crafts with Young Kids (1)

Challenge Them

This might sound dumb, but challenge them to start and finish a craft. Ask them if they will commit to working on a craft with you. If they start feeling frustrated or bothered, ask them to try and finish, or at least do the next step. You could also challenge their creativity by asking what they could do instead.

Do Easy Crafts

Do crafts that have limited supplies, especially if you’re starting out. There is no need to try elaborate crafts to be a successful craft-er with your kids. Kids love simple. In fact, I’ve learned, they prefer it. Most crafts take about 20 minutes, sometimes 40 if they’re having a blast, before they want to move on to the next thing. Make it easy on yourself and do simple things. They’ll be happy! My blog has a good list of crafts that require limited supplies.

Also, do crafts that don’t take a lot of prep work. Don’t create more busy work for yourself, it really can be simple. You could also check out getting a craft box subscription that includes all the craft supplies and prep work for you!

Easy Clean Up

Set yourself up for an easy clean-up. I know there will be unpredictable messes, but sometimes it can be relatively easy to clean up. I use our craft table, so I don’t have to worry about ruining a good table. I do it over a hard floor, and I have a craft sheet, which I put over the entire table. Sometimes, as an added measure, I put down some newspaper. I use paper plates and cups for paint, glue, or water. After we’re done, I throw everything away, and roll up the sheet to go in the wash.

You could make it even easier if you bought a bunch of cheap tablecloths and just rolled it up and threw it away when you’re done. You can get them at the dollar store, or buy a pack on Amazon for pretty cheap.

Make sure you’re using the right craft

I think this is SOOO important. It is easy to put a craft together for the wrong age group. If you’re doing an advanced craft for your child, they aren’t going to like it. If you’re doing a craft that is too easy for your child, they won’t like it for very long. Sometimes it’s finding out where they are at, and creating more of the things that they like. This might take some trial and error because you don’t know where they are at, and that’s okay. Don’t be afraid to have those fail days.

I thought that taping off sections of a canvas to paint, and then removing the tape to reveal a design would be SOOO fun for my daughter. She wanted nothing to do with it. She wanted to use her canvas as a backdrop. It turned out fine, she loved it, and I made my own canvas and had fun.

Doing Crafts with Young Kids (2)

You make one

Which brings me to my next point. You make the craft too. I love crafting, so I usually make my own with the kids unless the craft requires a little more supervision. And don’t think that a kid’s craft won’t entertain you. I sometimes think that, and then I’m surprised with how much fun I have. Like, rock painting, so fun, who knew! Then, if your kids, hopefully not, aren’t liking the craft, you have one to make!

Don’t tell them yet

This is an important one. Don’t let them know that you are doing a craft until just before you do it. If I tell my kids we are going to do a craft later, or tomorrow, they bug me about it until then. They ask me and ask me and ask me if it’s time yet. Sometimes I used to tell them we were going to do one, and then later I didn’t feel like doing it. I either had to make myself do it, or disappoint them and say we would do it later.

Set Expectations

Make sure you are setting the right expectations in your mind. Sometimes, myself included, we set super high expectations. We see everything going perfectly in our minds. We see how easy it will be, there will be no messes, the kids will understand how to do it, and they will love it! Remember that kids are still learning, and still wanting to make their own decisions.

A lot of the crafts I do, turn into a completely different craft because my kids have a “better” idea. Just like the canvas painting we did together. They wanted to do it completely different. It was then that I realized that I needed to let go of my perfectionist view. It was still a successful craft. They had fun, and loved it. That’s all that matters.

You also might run into some snags. The kids will spill their water, it’s inevitable. And that’s okay. If you set up your craft area for an easy clean-up, it shouldn’t be that bad.

And, unfortunately, there will be times when they don’t like it. And that’s okay. Don’t let that keep you from doing more crafts. It just means you have to find the right craft or the right time.

Doing Crafts with Young Kids (1)

Fun is the goal

It doesn’t have to be perfect, and you don’t have to have all the right supplies. If instructions call for rope, it’s okay to use ribbon. The ultimate goal is to have fun. Just. have. fun. That’s all your kids want to do, and they LOVE having fun with you!


Crafting with young kids can be fun and simple! Don’t let it overwhelm you. Sometimes it does take practice. I get better all the time, and find hacks all the time to make it easier on myself. I enjoy and look forward to doing crafts with my kids.

Related: The Best Craft Supplies to have in Your Kid’s Craft Box

Related: 31 Quick Crafts to do with Kids that take less than 10 Minutes

Related: 11 Crafts and Activities that your Toddler will Love (and engage in)

Tips and Tricks for Doing Crafts with Young Kids (1)