50 Simple and Easy Riddles for Young Kids

Have fun with these simple and easy riddles for young kids.

Simple Kids Riddles for young kids (4)-min


Who doesn’t love a good riddle? It can really make you think. I have a love and hate relationship with riddles. They are so fun, but can also be so infuriating!

I mean, I think most people get like 9% of riddles right. (idk, don’t quote me on that).

My daughter loves to think, so she loves doing riddles and jokes. I complied some of the ones that we really liked and that I thought she understood the best. I hope you can find some fun in them too!

If you would like to download these riddles onto fun riddle cards, you can download them here. 

I also have a bundle for Kid’s Activity Questions which include:

  • Tongue Twisters
  • Riddles
  • Would you Rather
  • Questions to get Kids Talking
  • Kids Favorite Questions
  • Jokes for Kids

Use Coupon Code KIDS for 40% off! 

50 Riddles for Young Kids

1. What can jump higher than a building?

A: Anything. Buildings don’t jump

2. How many months of the year have 28 days?

A: All of them.

3. It belongs to you, but your friends use it the most. What is it?

A: Your name.

4. What has hands and a face, but can’t hold anything or smile?

A: A clock.

5. There’s only one word in the dictionary spelled wrong. What is it?

A: Wrong.

6. I have a tail and a head, but no body. What am I?

A: A coin.

7. What two things do you never eat for dinner?

A: Breakfast and Lunch

8. If you don’t keep me, Ill break. What am I?

A: A promise.

9. What goes away as soon as you talk about it?

A: Silence.

10. Where would you take a sick boat?

A: To the dock.

11. What kind of room has no doors or windows?

A: A mushroom.

12. I’m orange, I wear a green hat and I sound like a parrot. What am I?

A: A carrot.

13. What fruit can never cheer up?

A: Blueberry.

14. A group of bunnies were having a birthday party. What kind of music were they listening to?

A: Hip-hop

15. What word begins and ends with an E, but only has one letter?

A: An envelope

16. What has a neck but no head?

A: A bottle

17. What gets wetter as it dries?

A: A towel.

18. Why did the boy bury his flashlight?

A: Because the batteries were dead.

19. What letter of the alphabet has the most water?

A: C.

20. What has to be broken before you use it?

A: An egg.

21. How many letters are there in the alphabet?

A: 11 T-H-E-A-L-P-H-A-B-E-T

22. When is a door not a door?

A: When it’s ajar.

23. If you threw a yellow stone into a blue sea, what would it become?

A: Wet.

24. How do you make the number “one” disappear?

A: Add a “g” and it is “gone.”

25. What has legs but cannot walk?

A: A chair.

26. What do you find at the end of a rainbow?

A: The letter W.

27. What is always right in front of you, yet you cannot see it?

A: The future.

28. What has four eyes but cannot see?


29. I am always running, but never get tired. What am I?

A: The refrigerator

30. I have seven rings made of rock and ice, but you cannot wear them on your fingers. They are way, way too big. What am I?

A: Saturn

31. I am made to absorb, and I can hold liquid even though I’m full of holes. What am I?

A: A sponge

32. What letter of the alphabet appears at the start of questions?

A: The letter Y (why)

33. What comes once in a second, twice in a decade, but just a single time in a century?

A: The letter E

34. I get answered even though I never ask a question. What am I?

A: A door knock or doorbell

35. I’m always on the dinner table, but you don’t get to eat me. What am I?

A: Plates and silverware

36. I run along your property and all around the backyard, yet I never move. What am I?

A: A fence

37. Which is heavier: a pound of bricks or a pound of feathers?

A: Neither, they both weigh the same.

38. What can you catch, but not throw?

A: A cold

39. What kind of cup doesn’t hold water?

A: Cupcake or hiccup

40. What kind of band never plays music?

A: A rubber band

41.Where can you find cities, towns, shops, and streets but no people?”

A: A map.

Kids Riddles-min

42. What has a bottom at the top?

A: Your legs.

43. I have no life, but I can die. What am I?”

A: A battery.

44. What has 88 keys, but cannot open a single door?

A: A piano.

45. What goes up but never goes back down?

A: Your age.

46. It’s the only place in the world where today comes before yesterday. Where is it?

A: A dictionary.

47. Where did one wall meet the other wall?

A: On the corner.

48. Why can’t you give Elsa a balloon?

A: She will Let It Go.

49. What do you taste twice a day but never eat?

A: Toothpaste.

50.  I do not have wings, but I can fly. I don’t have eyes, but I will cry! What am I?

A: A cloud.

That’s all folks! I hope you enjoyed these riddles for young kids!

If you’re looking for a fun bundle with riddles and kid’s questions, here is an awesome Kid Activity Bundle.