Fall Bucket List for Kids that You Don’t Want to Miss out on This Year
There are so many Fall activities for kids that you don’t want to miss out on. We keep a bucket list every Fall, and love it. Fall is one of the best seasons. Here is the best fall bucket list for kids!
Fall with Kids
Who doesn’t love fall? It’s sweater weather, caramel apples, jumping in leaves, and the smell of Christmas on the horizon. It’s the joy of the year wrapped up in one season. Fall is one of the only seasons I have a bucket list for. (I guess I have a summer bucket list too, but the Fall one is like a necessity). There is just so much to do. The possibilities are endless, and it’s like the best time to be outside because the weather is almost always nice…all day.
I love when the colors change. I have lived in Texas most of my life, so I haven’t always been around the amazing colors. Now that we live more north, I love the colors. It truly is a sight to see. I have a dream of going to Boston one day to see all the amazing colors. #bucketlist
Fall is also one of those seasons that is great with kids. There are a ton of activities to do with the kids that adults love just as much. I look forward to the caramel apples, the Fall festivals, and the pumpkin decorating. Here is the Fall bucket list for kids that we do every year to make the season great!
Get the printable, here. You can download it and fill it out on your computer to make your own.
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Fall Bucket List for Kids that You Don’t Want to Miss out on This Year
Do a pumpkin Craft
There are a ton of crafts to do out there during the Fall, and you can use most of them to decorate your home. Here’s a great craft to make pumpkin people!
Outdoor Scavenger Hunt
Now that you can be outside any time of the day, and not die of the heat, do a nature scavenger hunt. (You can download my Nature Scavenger Hunt, which is great for toddlers too!) It’s a great opportunity to teach kids about a nature.
Carve a pumpkin
Or you could also decorate instead of carve. The first year we carved a pumpkin my daughter was like “let’s not do that again next year, it’s too messy”. haha. And then she remembered it the next year. It was super messy and she didn’t want any part of it. She LOVES to decorate them though. We have painted them (most any paints will do), used stickers, or bought the pokers (I don’t know what they are called) that you can stick on the pumpkin. (which I have seen at the dollar store) They turn out great! In fact, they last longer when you don’t cut into them, but if you do, here are some great carving ideas.
You could also color/decorate a pumpkin with this FREE Decorate Your Pumpkin.
Pick Apples
I don’t know why I like to pick apples so much, but I think it’s so fun. Maybe it’s because I just love apples. I love just about everything made with apples! Find an orchard near you, a lot of them have a “U Pick” time. I love this simple Homemade Apple Pie Turnovers, that you should try. Oh, or these simple Apple Cookies, which make a great snack!
Hot Chocolate
Something about Fall and hot chocolate just seems right. We like to pick different hot chocolates to try, like different brands and flavors. We really like Steven’s Hot Chocolate. They have all kinds of flavors including salted caramel and dark.
Star Gazing
The stars do seem to shine a little brighter in the Fall, or is it just me? Laying on sheet outside and watching the stars is so fun. You could bring your hot chocolate or buy a kid’s star gazing book.
Fall craft
I know I already mentioned crafts, but, like I said, there are a ton of Fall crafts. You could paint pine cones, trace leaves, or make a Fall wreath. If you need even more Fall craft ideas, check out this article. I also have some great Thanksgiving Activity pages.
Apple cider donuts
I just recently discovered Apple cider donuts, so it has recently become a part of our bucket list. They are so good, and you can’t find them anywhere. We used to go to this orchard in Kansas that sold them super cheap and we loved them. So good! This year I made them, and they didn’t turn out as good, but still super tasty. If you haven’t tried them, I highly recommend that you do!
Corn Maze
I bet there is a fun corn maze in your area that you could go to. We got lost in a corn maze once, and the kids were all crying. It was grand ole time. I’m sure that won’t happen to you though. haha, jk.
Fall Festivals
I love Fall festivals. They are usually pretty cheap, have great things to do, and almost always end up feeding animals. Look up the ones in your area.
Go to a pumpkin patch
A lot of Fall festivals have pumpkin patches that let you pick your own pumpkins. They also might have them at the apple orchards. It’s fun to pick out your own pumpkin, then take it home and decorate it.
Farmer’s Markets
I love going to the Farmer’s Market in the Fall. I know not a TON of them run late into the Fall, but there are some that run year round. I just love eating all the Fall food there.
Shop for Sweaters/Winter clothes
Who needs a new sweater? I like to try and buy a new sweater every year. I love them. I also try to buy a new hoodie, but I seriously don’t need anymore. If I could wear a hoodie every day, I would.
Decorate for Halloween
I have to admit, I am not big on Halloween. It’s not that I hate it, it’s just that my family growing up never really did it big. However, my daughter like LOVES Halloween. She hates to be scared, but she loves everything else about it. She also LOVES to decorate for it. I make myself get into it every year for her, and now it’s become more fun for me. This year we decorated before October even got here. She was super excited. The best thing to do is buy a bunch of dollar store decorations.
Halloween dance party/music
Another thing my daughter is getting into this year: Halloween music. I’m actually surprised, but we have The Witch Doctor and Ghostbusters on repeat in our household. My daughter loves a good dance party.
Leaf diving
Jump in those leaves. Kids love, love, love this. They love it even more when the parents join in. Be a kid again and jump in some leaves.
Halloween Movie
Watch a good Halloween movie, for kids. There is Charlie Brown Halloween. There is also the Harry Potter series, Hocus Pocus which is a classic (and my husband watched it for the first time last year), or Halloween Town. Drink your hot chocolate and have a family movie night.
Thankful Tree
Make a Thankful Tree. This is something I try to do every year. I think it’s so good to spend one month out of the year just being grateful for everything. The kids do a lot better with visuals. You can download this The Grateful Tree Activity. Print it out and write on the leaves every night what you’re grateful for and then glue them up on the tree.
Thanksgiving Craft/Activity
Another craft, I know. But it is a crafting blog and I love crafts. Do a thanksgiving craft. I have a Happy Thanksgiving Coloring Page or you can look at my Thanksgiving activity page, which also serves as a placemat. You could also do a Halloween Craft.
Campfire/Background camping
Build a campfire and roast some marshmallows. You could also go crazy and turn it into backyard camping. (Depending on how cold it is where you are).
Go on a picnic while the weather is super nice!
Make candy
Go outside the box and make candy. We made Caramel Covered Apples last year and I LOVED them. I also learned a trick, which I will pass onto you. If you make them, make sure you wash your apples really good so they aren’t as waxy. The caramel will just slide right off if they are too waxy.
Flashlight Tag
Play a fun night game for Halloween that is not too scary like flashlight tag. You can see a whole list of Flashlight games here: Flashlight game ideas.
Haunted house
Depending on how old your kids are and how much they like scary, you could do a little haunted house for them. Sometimes if you just walk around the Halloween stores that is haunted house enough!
Grateful party
Go further than just making a grateful tree and throw a grateful party! Teach the kids about being grateful, how to be grateful, and name all the things they are grateful for. With good food, of course.
Walks/spend more time outside
Enjoy the nice air and get some exercise with the kiddos by going on more walks!
Related: Halloween Spider Web Paper Plate Craft
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