My idea for a prayer jar printable came about when I realized that my kids knew how to pray, but often times they didn’t want to pray. I quickly found out it was because they weren’t sure what or who to pray for.
That’s when we started making a prayer list in our home, which is a lot like a prayer jar. Once a week we would discuss who or what we should pray for, and write it down. Then my kids had a reference all week of what to pray for. They could look at it before we prayed each night, so it didn’t feel as overwhelming.
This reference list eventually became a prayer jar with printable prayer ideas inside of it. I figured a lot of other kids most likely feel like my kids did, so I made a prayer jar printable for other families to use too. A prayer jar is a good place for families to start when their kids aren’t sure what to pray about or just don’t want to pray.
How Does a Prayer Jar Work?
A prayer jar works by cutting up small sheets of paper with prayer ideas on them. You then place these sheets in a jar, and pull one out each night before you pray. This way, you have an exact thing or person to pray for.
Should I Use a Prayer Jar With Kids?
Absolutely! I think a prayer jar is best for little kids who are just starting to pray. Although the prompts in this prayer jar printable are geared for kids, it can even help adults think of better ways to pray as well.
Prayer Jar Prayer Ideas & Prompts
Once kids can get in a habit of knowing all the things they can pray for, prayer becomes easier and easier. Plus, it helps you think outside yourself, and start praying more for others.
Here are some ideas that could be included in a prayer jar:
- Pray for your best friend
- Thank Jesus for your food
- Pray for help with a goal you have
- Thank Jesus for your toys
- Pray for your brother or sister
- Thank Jesus for your home
- Do you know someone who is sick? Pray for them.
- Pray for your mom and dad
- Thank Jesus for your family
- Pray for your teachers
- Thank Jesus for your talents
- Pray to help you make good choices
- Thank Jesus for your clothes
- Thank Jesus for your health
- Pray for your happiness
- Thank Jesus for your warm bed
- Pray for something that worries you
- Thank Jesus for your teachers
- Pray to help you be kind to everyone
- Pray to help you help someone
- Thank Jesus for His scriptures
- Thank Jesus for your mom and dad
- Pray to be safe
- Thank Jesus for your friends
- Pray to always remember Jesus
- Pray for your church leaders
- Thank Jesus for being born
- Pray for your neighbor
- Pray for your country or state
- Is someone going through a hard time? Pray for them
Prayer Jar Printable For Creating a Prayer Jar
If you’d like to make a prayer jar for your family, you can click here to download my prayer jar printable. It has over 60 different prayer prompts to put in your jar. Use it once a week, once a day for a month, or just whenever you’re feeling stuck. You can also use this for Sunday school or church school to teach kids what to pray about.
Here are some other fun prayer printables to help teach kids about prayer (it includes the prayer jar):
How To Use The Prayer Jar Printable
Cut up all the prayer ideas and put them in a jar. Pull one out each morning or night (or both) before you pray and include it in your prayer.
This helps kids learn what to pray for and how to pray! It’s also a good idea to help switch up your prayers and make them more meaningful. Pray and think about things you never have before.
When Should I Use This Prayer Jar Printable With My Kids?
As often as you’d like. Use it at each prayer you do throughout the day, once a week, once a month, or just when you feel like it.
The Importance Of Introducing Kids To Prayer
Since I grew up in a strong Christian home, and I have such a strong conviction of Christ and a Heavenly Father. I knew I always wanted to teach my kids to pray.
I wanted them to create their own personal relationship with God. A relationship that they could rely on throughout their life, and especially in hard times. I believe that prayer helps us see God’s hand in our lives, allows us to let Him guide and direct our lives, and gives Him the opportunity to bless our lives and those we pray for.
Teaching kids at a young age to pray is a great skill they can use throughout their whole lives!
Why Does a Prayer Jar Help Kids With Praying?
Sometimes kids just don’t know what to pray for. The prayer jar can help them think of other things besides their toys or going to a friend’s house (which are also great things to pray for). It can help them find confidence in their prayers and create a deeper relationship with God.
If you are struggling with prayer ideas, try out this prayer jar printable and make praying an easy and appealing activity for your children.
Start a prayer jar in your family and see how it can change your child’s confidence to pray and also their relationship with God. The ideas can help your kids pray for things they can’t think of on their own and really develop a skill for praying. Adults can use it too to help with their prayers.
It’s super easy to use and can make big changes in your home.
Download the Prayer Jar Printable Now!
More ways for kids to learn about prayer and Jesus:
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